CRM-ERP INTEGRATIONS: Marketing Automation
Boost leads acquisition and nurturing with Odoo’s marketing apps: Email Marketing, Events, URL trackers, landing pages, etc.
Email Marketing
It allows users to send email to contacts in bulk. Common features include: Built in Email templates, social media integration, Subscriber list management, sign up forms, success rate reports, AB testing and auto-responders.
Campaign Management
Optimizes the process for organizations to develop and deploy multiple-channel marketing campaigns to target groups or individuals and track the effect of those campaigns, by customer segment, over time.
Lead Management
Allows users to manage and track leads though a process. The lead process typically involves steps such as: 1. Lead Generation, 2. Customer Inquiry, Inquiry Capture, Lead Filtering, Lead Grading, Lead Distribution and Lead Qualification.
Marketing ROI Analytics
Enables analysis of effectiveness of an organizations various marketing activities